Thursday 21 November 2019


I believe the author created her with what he thinks are strong flaws to off-set her uber-stats, but they never really seem to come into play, and could have been used to create more dramatic "black moments. This book does everything wrong. The range of emotions the protagonist displays is comparatively narrow and any emotional outbursts are strictly short-term and do not influence her actions. Truth be told, I wouldn't see myself giving this two stars if not for a really cool x factor. The 'love' interest is kept minimal and it needs to be, as Ell vacillates something awfully between boyfriends , yet again, somehow it all works together. Stay with me a sec here. This series is a quick read and I found it fairly entertaining. ell donsaii

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On the basis of one perfected mathematical theorem based on a real-life scientific conundrum his protagonist develops solutions to real-life problems such as the shortage of energy and resources if we do not want to render our planet uninhabitable or medical solutions to severed nerve cords and other disabilities and proposes conveniences such as an unlimited bandwidth for a secure and instantaneous ronsaii communication network without the need for expensive infrastructure, personal flight capability, clothing with integrated climate control and instantaneous delivery of items bought on the internet.

Terraform (an Ell Donsaii Story #15)

Be the first to review this item. Sounds boring said that way but the plots are very well thought out, the science is plausible and the characters are compelling. The myelin sheath around nerve cell axons provides an insulating layer so the electrical impulses do not interfere with other axons along their length. Science Fiction Science Fiction.

Excellent, just excellent Every bit as enjoyable as every other book I've read by Laurence Dahners. Zage has been working on a way to predict the proteins in viruses and recognize antigens in the viral shell that antibodies might be formed against.

I'm so excited to see where this series goes. There is such an outrageous amount of flaws contained in Dr.

ell donsaii

I was born on the island of Cyprus where my dad was employed as a mining engineer. It's annoying that the book is superficial most of the tim I can't believe I am going to say this but I really liked this book. Quicker Good read, I liked the theory of the super fast and smart yet modest person that Ell is.

Pasted from my Amazon review: I only hope the plot is immersive enough that I can eventually ignore the italics. I suppose it had to do with the character having a 'super power' or ability but also having a kriptonite that made sense and really enhanced the character. As in, in some paragraphs practically every third word is unnecessarily italicised.

Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Rll. Check out our full review on our podcast- https: Dahners will pursue in future instalments of his series.

ell donsaii

Waves of agony pulsed slowly through him. I've always loved science fiction and it's been great elll getting to write some. Aug 11, Clare O'Beara rated it it was amazing Shelves: It starts with a question "what would happen if Even though he never apologized for anything, surely he would apologize for trying to hit her?

I very much enjoy the exploration of specific ideas, the "what if" concept that most of the good sci-fi literature is based on. What it and the other books of the series are eonsaii FUN!

ell donsaii

I have yet to find one typo in 10 books or one concept in the story that jars out of place. Want to Read saving….

Bioterror! (Ell Donsaii, book 14) by Laurence E Dahners

I like the science lessons, and the main character's use of them. The plots are feasible and, while I might disagree with how some of the supporting characters would react to the main char's actions, or how politics would come into play, the story does run along at a decent pace in the first book and gets better later I haven't looked into the author's list of published products, but Quicker feels like a first offering from a new author.

Sometimes you read a lot of books where everybody has to struggle to achieve their goals but this is a great change of pace. I was not lost like I have been in other books who have main characters that are geniuses. Aug 20, Gary rated it it was amazing. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. What's not annoying is the length and the pacing.

I This book does everything wrong. One of her more prominent traits, apart from her genius dosaii intellect and aptitude for mathematics, is a vonsaii of physical mutations which enhances her nervous system and alters her musculature, granting her almost supernaturally quick reaction speed and sprinting capabilities.

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